Friday, January 14, 2011

Mommy vs. Career

Remember the days on the playground when boys would be firefighters or policemen; girls would be nurses or teachers.  On the playground we were whoever we wanted to be.  Not many children played stockbroker or lawyer, but we all had our dreams. As we got into our teenage years we would make statements like when I grow-up I am going to be... Well, maybe I am still trying to live the dream I had on playground of being a mommy or maybe it is a full-time career.

Before I dive much deeper, let me start by applauding all women who work, take care of their children, and keep up with the house. I have a great respect for you women. However, this week I have learned I am not cut-out for doing it all.  Taking care of my son and the house is full-time enough for me.  I know eventually my son will be older and God willing I will have another baby to care for, but once all my children are in kindergarten (8+ years from now) I will need to go back to work full-time. I may sound like I am from the 50's, but I am content on being a housewife and mother.  I have no desire to pursue a master's degree or climb the corporate ladder.  I really enjoy being at home.  Don't get me wrong occasionally I fantasize working as a teacher or being a school nurse or planning major events for a big non-profit, but I am quickly brought back to reality when I hear Luke laugh or gurgle!  I am reminded that I am so content in what I am doing that I can't imagine a job any greater than the one I already have.

Maybe I have a fear of what conquering the work world.  At home I know my audience (my son).  I know how to persuade him to eat cereal, or I know how to handle his criticism aka squealing when he wants something.  I am comfortable!  So working mom's and stay-at-home moms is it okay to be comfortable or should you want more.  This leads to my next item are there Mommy's out there who can shed some light on part-time job options for a wannabe stay-at-home-mom with a Public Relations degree and two years experience in teaching preschool?  My experience in Public Relations is very limited, but I loved preschool.  I will probably go back to teaching one day, but I am not quiet ready to take Luke to preschool with me.  If anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated by me and my husband (who totally supports me being a full-time mommy)!

I know one day I will have to become a working mom and it won't be as easy as the games on the playground, but until that day I am going to enjoy my job as mom!


  1. I appreciate your blog. I think that so many moms feel the pressure to have it all. A brand new house (and a big one at that), a brand new car, all of the latest gadgets and of course the list goes on. I never regret living in the small house of Scarlette Street and eating ham and beans for lunch and supper. As an ol' mom I look at your college degree as giving you options to think about. I am confident that you will help others around you whether it be serving in your community, helping the senior citizens or watching someone's child while they run errands. You have made a choice to focus on your son's needs and indeed it is a challenge but what better person to do than his mommy. Love, Mom

  2. I'm so glad you wrote this all down. What beautiful thoughts to record. Be sure to remember that it's here on your blog -- you may need to read it again someday when you wonder, "What in the world was I thinking?!?" Oh, wait, maybe that's just me, and you'll never wonder that.
