Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Around October I decided that I really wanted to go visit my brother at school in the Chicago area.  Joe and I bought two plane tickets and reserved for a lap child.  Time went by quickly and this past week we packed for our journey.  Side note that some may not know about Joe and I we love to travel we do it a lot, but this experience was very different!  Joe and I discussed what the best option for packing would be.  We decided to only do carry-ons (mistake 1)!  We had it all packed perfectly, two suitcases, two personal bags, a diaper (which is free), stroller (also free), and car seat.  Early Friday morning we got to the airport checked -in at the desk.  Then journeyed through security.  Security for the first time in Joe and my life was chaos. Joe dragged the stroller and car seat behind the suitcases.  I held Luke with the two personal bags and diaper bag!  It was very challenging.  Once we arrived to the Chicago O'Hare airport we hopped on the Blue Line into the city where my brother was going to pick us up.  It was a very smelly train ride.  I have been on the train before, but with a child I was very aware of the dirtiness of the train.  We got off at Logan Square and meet my brother.  He picked us up, took us to a great Chicago pizza place, then we started our journey to Dekalb where my brother goes to school.  It took us almost 45 minutes to just get out of the city.  Once in Dekalb we were able to relax.  My brother, Uncle Logan, showed us around NIU campus. We went to a place called Fatty's for dinner which was oh so yummy!  We had a great weekend.  Sunday night we returned to the city.  We stayed at the Inn of Chicago.  It was an amazing deal.  We were located on the 16th floor in a corner room.  We could see Sears Tower out our window and Lake Michigan out the other.  It was a perfect way to end the weekend, but little did we know the weekend was not over.  Our check out was not till noon on Monday.  Our plan was to relax in our hotel room then go to lunch and get on the train.  However the airlines had other plans for us.  I woke up to get us breakfast.  Joe checked his phone to see the time when he received the message that our flight had been canceled.  They booked us on the flight to Huntsville at 7:30 which actually leave at 9:30!  Luke did a great job in the airport and on the plane.  The first flight he talked to everyone.  Second flight he slept!  Overall the trip was great!  Joe and I learned a few tips that I will share with those traveling with a child.

A cup from the airline was so entertaining to Luke!  
He would put it over his mouth and yell into it!


1. Don't try to do a carry-on! Pay for a checked bag.
2. Have a bottle ready for take-off and landing. It helps with popping ears.
3. In diaper bag, pack extra formula, baby food, etc. in case of lay over. 
4.  Also have back-up plan for flights.  
5. Books, rattles, and other toys are great for the flight.  
Luke loved looking out the window!

Lake Michigan out of our hotel room window

Sears Tower out of the other window! 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Other Boy

My blog title is Carly and the Boys, but I have spent a lot of time talking about my son and not my husband.  Besides the birth of our son we have had a lot of change in our life lately.  My husband decided a year ago that it would be best if he left his dual job as a Head Resident and Assistant Housing Director.  His job provided a lot of securities for us such as free housing, no bills, etc. However, his job at Lipscomb was very taxing on his peace.  He was working around the clock at two jobs.  He worked 9am-5pm as the assistant housing director and then from 5pm-8am as a head resident.  As you can see there wasn't much time for relaxing.   We decided it would be best for the growth of our family to leave; however, we didn't factor in the economy.  It is hard for anyone to get a job currently especially a Biblical Language/ Theology major.  Joe spent his days looking for a more permanent job.  He worked from May-Sept. doing part-time jobs subbing, consulting and printing.  When my time at work was drawing to an end the stress in Joe increased.  He knew with a baby on the way he was going to have to find a better job fast. Well, the search lead to a few dead ends.  It wasn't till October when he got a led!  He was doing some part-time work for his dad's printing business.  His dad offered him a full-time job.  Joe was unsteady at first.  He never thought he would move back to his hometown.  However, after much consideration he/ we decided it would be best for our family.

Joe has loved every moment of the printing business.  He works 8:30-5 in the basement of the family home where the family business is located!  He gets to spend time with his father (who is a great boss).  All of this has been a blessing.  Joe is continuing to pursue an M.Div., but it has be a process.  It will all come together in time, but the plan for Joe and our family is a better plan than we could ever imagine.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Growing Pains

So the growing pains have begun!  There have been transition and phase Luke has gone through over the past few months, but this phase has been the most painful.  TEETH!  He has 1 maybe 2 teeth coming in.  This experiences has resulted in sleepless nights, stuffy nose, and pulling mommy's hair!  We aren't sure if the pulling hair is directly related to the teething process, but it all started at the same time.  Luke is very curious about everything around him including what is growing in his month.  He gnaws on his fingers for hours.  We try to appease him with cold teething rings, room temperature teething rings, any teething rings, but it seems that his fingers are the only thing that soothes him and his curiosity.  

Today his mind was pre-occupied with the walk we went on!  He seemed amused by the barking dog and airplane practicing above us.  Other things that have occupied his mind are his walker which he loves to roam the living room in.  The ability to remove his socks and chew on them.  Today he achieved removing his pants halfway before I caught him!  The most important distraction from his teething process is his daddy!  Luke has become a daddy's boy.  Every time Luke hears Joe's voice he lights up in wonderment!  Just last night I was singing "This Little Light of Mine" when Joe started beat boxing along with the song when Luke starting belly laughing!  He would grab at Joe's lips and laugh.  Also we danced during the half-time of the Super Bowl!  Luke was dancing with Joe and laughing.  

Even though the growing pains bring struggles to us all and there will always be growing pains, it is great to see how the family grows and we are able to distract one another from the pain and suffer we are experiencing at that moment!